Magzter Coupon & Promo Codes
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Expired Coupons & Codes They might still work
Magzter Gold Subscription:Get Unlimited Access to best Selling Magazines For just Rs 999
Magzter Annual Offer: Enjoy Upto 77% OFF on Magzter Gold Subscription
Magzter Special Offer: Magzter Monthly Gold Subscription from just Rs 399 per month
How To Use Coupon Code On Magzter?
Magzter is a digital platform where you can read all the editions of popular magazines around the world. It is a very big community with over 52.5 million digital consumers. And also more than 12,000 magazines from over 4,000 publishers. It provides the platforms for their consumers to read all their favorite magazines on the go. The headquarter of the Magzter is in New York. But they have also opened the offices in different countries to get their local presence in the market. Not only in the text form but they also provide their publishers to upload best quality videos and photographers to provide the best experience to their readers. You can enjoy all the latest editions of the magazines of all the categories like sports, business, economics, fashion, and much more.
Both the Android as well as iOS users can download these apps to their smartphones. And also, you can access these magazines on your browsers.
How To Use Coupon Code On Magzter?
Magzter helps you to take the latest edition of your favorite magazines in your pocket. It is a digital platform which offers a digital copy of the major magazines around the world. You can enjoy these magazines anytime anywhere as per convince. You just to subscribe to their plans which are of 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months. Choice the one which you find suitable and that's it. They also give you options to subscribe to your favorite publishers. So, whenever they release a new edition of the magazine it will automatically add to your library. And also, if you have missed the previous edition of the magazine. You can easily find it in the publisher's library. Read magazines are never that easy.
Magzter also provides various discounts and offers on the purchase of their subscription plans. You can easily find all these latest coupon codes and offers on Choose your favorite discount offer and click to redeem. It will help you to save some extra money on your purchase. Still, have doubt about how to use these coupon codes? No worry. Just follow the few simple steps down below and done.
- Go to
- Search for the Magzter store in the search bar.
- You'll find all the latest coupon codes and offers.
- Click the coupon code which you want to redeem and copy the code.
- It will redirect you to Magzter official website.
- Shop for the plan which you want to buy and click to procced.
- Paste the copied code.